Home Trending Warmth Guaranteed, Claim A Free Electric Blanket This Winter

Warmth Guaranteed, Claim A Free Electric Blanket This Winter

Warmth Guaranteed, Claim A Free Electric Blanket This Winter


Great news for those worried about the cold weather! Winter is coming, and we all know staying warm can be costly. But Octopus Energy is stepping in to help. They’re giving away a whopping 20,000 free electric blankets this winter!

So, if you’re an Octopus Energy customer, look for details on how to claim your free electric blanket. Thanks to Octopus Energy, it’s a wonderful way to stay comfortable and save money this winter!

To find out more about Octopus Energy here: https://octopus.energy

Why is Octopus Energy Giving Away Free Blankets?

As energy costs rise, many worry about staying warm this winter without overspending. Octopus Energy, a renewable energy firm, will help customers save on heating bills. They started a free heated blanket giveaway in 2022. They have given away 60,000 blankets so far. This year, they’re adding another 20,000 to that count.

This initiative aims to help those facing high energy costs. These free electric blankets are a cheap way to stay warm. They let you avoid heating the whole house. Use an electric blanket to stay comfortable. It costs just pennies per hour. Don’t crank up the thermostat.

What’s Special About These Blankets?

The electric blankets provided by Octopus Energy are from the Dreamland brand. They usually cost about £69.99, but they are free if you qualify. They are safe and energy-efficient, using little electricity and keeping you warm for as little as 3p an hour.

This presents a fantastic opportunity to reduce your energy expenses. Using a blanket, you’re only heating yourself, not your whole house. This can lead to significant savings, particularly when energy prices are soaring.

Who Can Get a Free Electric Blanket?

Not everyone can get a free blanket. This offer is only for Octopus Energy customers. Priority is given to people who need the most help. This includes:

  •   Medically vulnerable people
  •   Elderly customers
  •   People with mobility issues
  •   People living alone

These customers likely struggle with winter energy bills. So, the free blankets help them stay warm without using too much energy. 

You can apply for a free blanket through the Octo Assist Fund. It’s Octopus Energy’s £30 million fund to help those in need. When you apply, the company will ask a few questions to see what kind of help you need. If you qualify, you could be lucky to receive a free electric blanket this winter.

How to Apply for a Free Blanket

To apply, you must be an Octopus Energy customer. You can apply online through their website. The process is simple. Please answer a few questions about your situation. The support team will decide if you qualify.

You can find cheap heated throws online if you don’t qualify or aren’t an Octopus Energy customer. Some places, like Amazon, sell electric blankets for as low as £25.

How Do Electric Blankets Save You Money?

Electric blankets can make a big difference when it comes to energy usage. Many people worry about high gas bills during winter. However, using a heated blanket can help lower your gas bills by up to 20%. Even though your electricity usage might go up slightly, it’s only by 0.2%. So, you save money overall.

Last winter, electric blanket users saved about £150 over three months. That’s a big saving, especially for those who are worried about how to pay their bills.

More Help from Octopus Energy

The free electric blanket scheme is part of a more significant effort by Octopus Energy to help its customers. Their Octo Assist Fund has helped more than 80,000 customers so far. Along with free electric blankets, they also offer:

  •  Octopus Energy offers discretionary credits of £50, £100, or £200 to people who need help paying their energy bills.
  • Extra support for State Pensioners no longer qualify for the Winter Fuel Payment.

The fund aims to help those struggling to pay their bills, especially when energy use is high in winter.

Why Staying Warm is Important?

Staying warm in winter is essential, particularly for vulnerable groups. Cold weather poses health risks, especially to the elderly and sick. Using heated throws or electric blankets can help mitigate these risks.

Octopus Energy is taking a proactive approach to help people stay warm this winter. Heating the person, not the whole house, is cost-effective and energy-efficient. If you’re an Octopus Energy customer, get a free electric blanket this winter. It’s a simple way to stay cosy and lower your energy bills. The application process is simple. If you’re eligible, you’ll save money and enjoy a warmer winter.

If you’re concerned about the cost of heating, don’t hesitate to apply for the free blanket. It will make this winter warmer and more affordable!

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