Marcus Fakana, an 18-year-old born in the UK, went to Dubai on vacation with his family. There, he developed a relationship with a 17-year-old London girl. Each of them felt their relationship was good. But after the girl’s mother discovered, she called the Dubai police. Marcus was arrested and sentenced to one year in prison. The age of consent in the UAE differs from that in the UK.
In the UK, only those 16 or older can legally date. However, in Dubai, the law regards everyone under eighteen as a juvenile. Marcus was imprisoned due to this legal gap. He and the girl believed their connection was legal. This case shows the need to know local rules before travelling abroad.
Why Is International Travel Education Important?
Many young people travel the world without knowing much about the laws of the countries they visit, which can lead to serious problems. Marcus’s story is a clear example of what can go wrong.
Better education on international laws could help young people avoid this. A travel education program could teach them the rules of other countries. It should cover sensitive topics, such as the age of consent, alcohol laws, and local customs.
Knowing this could help travelers avoid legal trouble and increase their respect for other cultures. So, it’s important to ask: Should travel education be made mandatory?
What Could a Travel Education Program Include?
A travel education program could cover many useful topics. It should teach young people about different legal systems. What might be legal in one country could be illegal in another. For example, in some countries, it’s illegal to drink alcohol if you’re under a certain age. In others, even public displays of affection can lead to arrest.
The program could also cover cultural differences. Some cultures have strict relationship rules. Others are more relaxed. These rules could help young people make better travel decisions.
Finally, the program should teach how to stay safe. Young people should know who to contact if they get into legal trouble. They should also know what to do if they’re arrested or in danger.

Do Young People Currently Get Enough Travel Education?
Young people don’t take travel education. Some may learn about international laws from school or parents, but this isn’t always enough. The government has travel advice on its website, but young people don’t always see it.
Some travel tips and resources exist, like the Foreign Office site. However, these resources are often unknown. They don’t address the risks young travellers face. Travel education can be improved.
Possible Solutions for Stricter Travel Education
There are a few ways we can improve travel education for young people.
- Travel lessons could be part of citizenship or PSHE classes. This would ensure that kids learn about cultures and rules worldwide in school.
- Tourist businesses and the UK government might collaborate to provide travellers with more information. For instance, tour companies could include guides to the area’s laws with their reservations. The government should also make more efforts to make travel safer, especially for young people.
- NGOs like Detained in Dubai already tell tourists what to do. These teams could work with schools or the government to reach more teens and young adults.
How Marcus Fakana’s Case Can Drive Change
Marcus Fakana’s case shows the need to better educate young travellers. His arrest shows how different laws can be in other countries, and a lack of knowledge can lead to serious consequences.
The public’s awareness of this case can help push for change. If more knew how easy this is, they’d support better travel education for youth.
Also, better communication from the UK government could have helped Marcus and his family sooner. Better advice and support could prevent future cases like this.
Lastly, Marcus Fakana’s arrest in Dubai shows young people must know the rules of the places they visit. Stricter travel education would help young travellers. They would stay safe, avoid legal trouble, and accept other cultures. We should urge governments, schools, and travel firms to improve travel lessons for kids. It will protect them and help them later. It might also stop other teens from having Marcus Fakana’s issues. Before your trip, know the local rules and customs. You could avoid a lot of trouble!
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