When opening a bank, there are many ways to apply e.g., via applications or discussing what you require from your bank and accounts in person. You will need a form of identification before an account can be opened.
What should I look for?
If the bank account is for a child, you might be concerned with the interest that the bank gives whereas if it is for a student or adult, your main priority might be a card you can use to withdraw cash or an overdraft facility. Another important factor to look out for is where the branches are located and how easy it is to contact the bank rather than speaking to the automated robots on the phone or online chat bots.
What age do you need to be to open a bank account?
To open a first current account, you need to be within the age of 11–18 and for an adult bank card you need to be 18 or over. You will need two forms of identification, one confirming your identity and the other confirming your address and place of residence.
What can I use as an ID?
You will need a form of photo ID such as a driver’s license or passport or ID card and for the proof of address it is often recommended you provide a utility bill. If you have recently moved to the UK, an option would be a reference from an employer or university.
But there are alternatives
Some may have issues with their credit history and may be turned down for a mainstream bank. However, you can always apply for basic banks such as Monzo or Revolut as well as credit unions who are far more likely to accept your application and can be flexible with the identity documents that need to be provided.